In the past year, we all realised very well that care is extremely important. We cheered and applauded for care by the thousands. Play AV also wants to take care of you and therefore offers, besides the installation of state of art AV material, the possibility to take the aftercare completely out of your hands.
Hereby we strive for a maximum uptime of your audiovisual installation and you are assured of a maximum return on your investment. Play AV can offer and guarantee these extra services together with our team of dedicated technicians who have the necessary experience and technical know-how.
Our standard Play AV Warranty already offers you full access to our online helpdesk platform complemented by telephone assistance. To further support this we offer four extension packages on top of our standard Play AV Warranty: Bronze, Silver, Gold or a customised maintenance contract. With these four options, we are convinced we can offer you a suitable solution, because your installation deserves just that little bit more care.